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AI Lead Qualification as a Service (LQaaS)

Qualify your inbound leads from every channel, labor-free

We measure success using the same metrics that our paying customers care about:

531,000+ Leads Qualified
4,400+ Labor Hours Saved
4,000+ Meetings Booked
$280MM+ Customer LTV Closed/Won

Where Pitchit Fits Into The Sales Qualification Process

Our AI agents accelerate every manual task that happens in the first 24 hours after an inbound lead shows interest in your product/service.

How Pitchit Qualifies Leads at Scale

Tap each scenario to see how Pitchit makes first contact, qualifies, then transfers the qualified leads to a live person on your team.

See Real Conversations of Pitchit Qualifying Leads

Tap each scenario to see how Pitchit handled the conversation during the qualification process.

See Real Conversations of Pitchit Qualifying Leads

Swipe to see how Pitchit handled the conversation during the qualification process.

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Book Meetings
Handle Objections
Capture Personally Identifiable Information (PII)


Try Pitchit™ for free or subscribe after a quick demo.

first 50 messages are free
Sync every channel
AI chatbot agent
AI voice agent
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Starter Subscription
per 100k messages
Sync every channel
AI chatbot agent
AI voice agent
6,000+ integrations
Dedicated account manager
Annual upfront payment discount
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Enterprise Subscription
per 1MM messages
Sync every channel
AI chatbot agent
AI voice agent
6,000+ integrations
Dedicated account manager
Annual upfrot payment discount
Top priority support on all tickets
Volume discount
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On which channels can Pitchit qualify leads using written text?

You can sync your leads into Pitchit from over 6,000+ applications. Pitchit will then qualify your leads using written text on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, SMS, Gmail and Outlook.

In what ways is AI integrated into Pitchit?

Pitchit™ qualifies leads using AI chatbots (written text) and AI voice agents (phone call). Ask yourself, "what does our sales team do in the first 24 hours after a lead enters our funnel?" The likely answer is that your sales team will call and/or write to the lead in order to see if they are qualified, which is what our software is designed to do for them.

Which role on my team would find Pitchit beneficial?

Whichever team member is in charge of making first contact and qualifying your new inbound leads. Sales development reps (SDR/BDR) or account executives (AE) are the most common beneficiary of Pitchit™.

Can marketing agencies utilize Pitchit on behalf of their clients or resell Pitchit to their clients?

Yes. Agencies are trusted advisors of many brands, and we have a symbiotic relationship with marketing agencies. We also offer reseller commissions for any marketing agency who wants to partner with us. Book a demo if you're interested.

Does Pitchit™ integrate with my CRM and other applications?

Yes. Pitchit integrates with 6,000+ applications. Our goal is to provide labor-free lead qualification as-a-service, which means integration needs to be seamless in order to avoid any manual work.

Does Pitchit™ have any limit to how many leads it can qualify daily/monthly?

No. Pitchit™ was built for scale, and can qualify as many leads as you can send our way.

How do I upload my leads into Pitchit™?

You can sync your leads into Pitchit™ using any of our 6,000+ application integrations or you can upload a file of leads in bulk. Wherever you store your leads, either sync it or upload it to Pitchit, and we'll qualify the lead for you.

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Introducing Pitchit™

A radically different way to qualify leads, labor-free